Mastercard® Cash Passport™ is How Money Should Travel. It’s the clever alternative to pockets full of cash or your debit card when you’re away.
Perfect for a family holiday, weekend break or a year off travelling around the world.
One clever Card
that allows you to:
Carry 7 currencies
on one Card, USD, EUR, GBP , AUD, NZD, AED & CAD
Move your money
between different
Reload at
Check your balance
when you want,
where you want
Lock in exchange
rates each time you
load and reload
View your
transactions online and/or via
our handy Mobile APP (Cash Passport)
Use it for so many things
in so many places
Enjoy the freedom of Mastercard® – you can rest assured your Card will be welcomed at ATMs and merchants all over the world – look out for this Mastercard Acceptance Mark.
Use your Card to pay for hotel rooms, flights, trips and tours, to buy gifts, souvenirs and meals out for the family, or to shop online internationally.
We’ve got
your back
If you lose your Cash Passport or it’s stolen, call Card Services and as long as we can get a Replacement Card to you before the end of your holiday, we will. If that’s not possible, we will try and get your money to you (as long as you’ve got some on your Card and are near one of many money transfer locations), so you can continue your holiday with as little inconvenience as possible.
Call us whenever you need assistance. Our Card Services team is ready to help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! or our website www.cashpassport.co.za
Loading money on your Card? Easy does it
Just return to any participating branch of the business from which you bought your Cash Passport (in South Africa) and they can reload it for you, until the Card expires and subject to Exchange Control Regulations.
You will be asked to present:
- your Cash Passport
- a form of payment
- a valid identity document
- a valid passport
- proof of residence
- and proof of travel
Cash Passport™ is issued by The Mauritius Commercial Bank Limited pursuant to license by Mastercard Asia/Pacific Pte. Ltd. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.